目的调查2014年至2016年奎屯及周边地区布鲁菌病感染情况及流行特征,为今后预防控制提供依据。方法按照《布鲁菌病诊断标准》WS269-2007,对职业人群和密切接触者进行检测和诊断。结果 2014年至2016年奎屯及周边地区人间布鲁菌病感染者血清学特异性抗体阳性率,2015年最高,与2014和2016年阳性率比较差异有统计学意义(χ2分别为6.99、67.10,P<0.01)。2014年与2016年阳性率比较差异无统计学意义(χ~2=0.82,P>0.05)。汉族、哈萨克族布鲁菌病阳性率差异无统计学意义(χ2分别为0.64、0.73、0.24,P>0.05)。年龄组以21~30岁组阳性率最高为27.40%,71~80岁组阳性率最低为5.45%,年龄组间差异有统计学意义(χ2=55.67,P<0.01)。人间布鲁菌感染者特异性抗体男性阳性率27.76%,女性阳性率10.71%,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=102.72,P<0.01)。在职业分布上,牧民感染构成比最高为45.39%,其次为农民占26.74%;地区分布上沙湾县博尔通古牧场感染构成比最高为34.61%,其次是奎屯市区,感染构成比13.48%。结论奎屯及周边地区人间布鲁菌感染不容忽视,要高度重视,加强监测和防控力度,对高危人群实施行为干预,普及布鲁菌病防病知识,降低人群感染率,健康养畜,以根除布鲁菌病。
Objective To Investigate the human Brucella infection status and brucellosis epidemic characteristics in Kuitun and its surrounding areas from 2014 to 2016, so as to provide the evidence for prevention and control of human brucellosis.Methods According to WS269-2007 "Brucellosis Diagnosis Standard", the occupational groups and close contacts were investigated.Results During the period of 2014 to 2016, the positive rate of Brucella specific sero-anti-body in Kuitun and its surrounding areas was the highest in 2015. Compared with the positive rate of 2015, the positive rates in2014 and 2016 had significant differences(χ^2 values were 6.99 and 67.10 respectively, both P〈0.01). There was no significant difference in the positive rate between year 2014 and 2016(χ^2=0.82, P〉0.05). There was no significant differ-ence between Han nationality and Kazak nationality in the positive rate. Among the age groups, the positive rate was the highest in the 21-30 years group(27.40%) and lowest in the 71-80 years group(5.45%), and there was a significant differ-ence avmong the age groups(χ^2=55.67, P〈0.01). In the persons with Brucella infection, the specific antibody positive rate of the male was 27.76% and the positive rate of the female was 10.71%, and there was a significant difference between them(χ^2=102.72, P 〈0.01). As the occupational distribution, the infection rate of herdsmen was the highest(45.39%), followed by farmers(26.74%). As the regional distribution, Boertong ancient pasture of Shawan County had the highest infection proportion(34.61%), followed by Kuitun urban area(13.48%). Conclusion The human Brucella infection in Kuitun and its surrounding areas cannot be ignored. It is necessary to pay much attention to the monitoring and prevention of human bru-cellosis, and also it is necessary to take effective interventions, including targeted health education, etc. especially in the highrisk population.
Chinese Journal of School Doctor