"City Betterment and Ecological Restoration"is one of the important work during the transitional period of urban development.It needs adjusted measures to local conditions and maintaining city characteristics. Mountain city as a typical urban morphology, widely exists in the central and western regions in our country, its urban development mode, update all has certain particularity, this paper studies mountain cities of repair and ecological restoration methods, mountain city cultivation should highlight the characteristics of landscape restoration, urban disaster prevention, city characteristics, then refined the pattern of mountain city"City Betterment and Ecological Restoration", taking the Guzhang county as an example, explore the mountainous city way of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, in order to provide reference path of mountain city's"City Betterment and Ecological Restoration".
Chinese & Overseas Architecture
City Betterment and Ecolo-gical Restoration: mountain city:Guzhang county: the pattern