
欧盟图书馆馆藏作品数字化版权问题研究 被引量:7

A Research on Copyright-Related Issues in the Digitization of Works of Library Collections of European Union
摘要 图书馆馆藏作品数字化是建设数字图书馆的重要环节,而解决馆藏作品数字化中涉及的版权问题是各国版权立法关注的焦点之一。欧盟现行版权法(及其改革过程中)对馆藏作品数字化过程中的孤儿作品及绝版作品作了特殊规定,以寻求实现公众和权利人之间的利益平衡,这为我国有关馆藏作品数字化的著作权法改革提供了有益借鉴。 The digitization of library collections is an important part of the construction of digital library. It is one of the focuses in the legislation of copyright law in various countries to solve the copyright-related Issues in the digitization of collections. The current copyright law and the reform bill of the European Union provide special provisions for the digitization of orphan works and out-of-commerce works in collection works, to seek to achieve a balance of interests between public interests and rights holders. This will provide useful reference for China' s copyright law reform of the digitization of collected works.
作者 陈兵 唐伶俐
出处 《图书馆学研究》 CSSCI 2017年第17期16-19,23,共5页 Research on Library Science
关键词 欧盟 馆藏作品 数字化 版权问题 European Union collection works digitization copyright issues
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  • 1See Office of the Register ofCopyrights, Legal Issues in Mass Digitization= A Preliminary Analysis and Discussion Document, The Library of Congress Publication (2011), p. 8.
  • 2See Jonathan Band, The Google Library Project: Both Sides of the Story, 1 Perspectives 2 (2006), p. 8.
  • 3See Authors Guild v. GoogleInc. , 770 F. Supp. 2d 666 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 14, 2013) (No. 05-CV 8136-DC).
  • 4See Amended Settlement Agreement, Authors Guild v. Google lnc., 93 U. S. P. Q. 2d 1159 (S. D. N. Y. 2009) [No. 05 CV. 8136 (IX')], art. 4.5, 4.6, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2, art. 2. l (b), 6.1., art. 2.4, 3.1 (a), art. 4.1 (a)(i); Attach. C, 1.1(a).
  • 5方祥生:“谷歌数字图书馆的版权之争”,《光明日报》2009年9月14日.
  • 6See Statement of Marybeth Peters, Competition and Commerce in Digital Books Before the H. Comm. On the Judiciary, lllth Cong. (2009), pp. 67-68, p. 70.
  • 7See Tracey L. Armstrong, The Practical Difficulties of Implementing Collective Management Schemes, 34 Colum. J. L. Arts. 623 (2011), p. 624.
  • 8See Edward Lee, Warming Up to User-Generated Content, 2008 Ill. L. Rev. 1459 (2008), pp. 1499-1500.
  • 9See Authors Guild v. Google Inc. , 770 F. Supp. 2d 666 (S. D. N. Y. 2011), pp. 676-677.
  • 10See Office of the Register of Copyrights, Legal Issues in Mass Digitization= A Preliminary Analysis and Discussion Document, U.S. Copyright Office (Oct. 2011), p. 6.











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