1Armin Rappaport and William Earl Weeks, "Freedom of the Seas," in Alexander DeConde, Richard Dean Burns, and Fredrik Logevall eds., Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons Gale Group, 2002), Second Edition, Vol. 1, p. 111.
3Woodrow Wilson, "For Declaration of War against Germany," Address to a Joint Session of Congress, A- pril 2, 1917, in Ray Stannard Barker and William E. Dodd, eds. , War and Peace: Presidential Messages, Addresses, and Public Papers, 1917-1924 (Honolulu, Hawaii: University Press of the Pacific, 2002), Vol. 1, p. 8,.
4Armin Rappaport and William Earl Weeks, "Freedom of the Seas," p. 117.
5"The President's Address to the Senate, January 21, 1917," in United States Department of the State ed, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United Sates, 1917, Supplement 1 , The World War (1917), pp. 27-28. available at: http://images, library, wise. edu/FRUS/EFacs/1917Supp01v01/refer- ence/frus, frus1917supp01v01, i0008, pdf.
6"Address of the President of the United States Delivered at a Joint Session of the Two Houses of Congress, January, 8, 1918, "in United States Department of the State ed, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United Sates, 1918, Supplement 1, The World War ( 1918 ), p. 15. available at : http..//digicoll, li- brary, wisc. edu/cgi -- bin/FRUS/FRUS- idx? type = turng>entity = FRUS. FRUS1918Supp01v01. D0104-id= FRUS. FRUS1918Supp01v01 -isize= M.
7William E. Borah, "Senator Borah on Freedom of the Seas," in Legislative Department ed, Congressional Digest, Vol. 9, No. 1, January 1930, p. 2.