Recognizing the target from a rotated and scaled image is an important and difficult task for computer vision. Visual system of humans has a unique space variant resolution mechanism(SVR) and log-polar transformations(LPT) is a mapping method that is invariant to rotation and scale. Motivated by biological vision, we propose a novel global LPT based template-matching algorithm(GLPT-TM) which is invariant to rotational and scale changes; and with pigeon-inspired optimization(PIO) used to optimize search strategy, a hybrid model of SVR and pigeon-inspired optimization(SVRPIO) is proposed to accomplish object recognition for unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV) with rotational and scale changes of the target. To demonstrate the efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of the proposed method, a series of experiments are carried out. By rotating and scaling the sample image randomly and recognizing the target with the method, the experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method is not only efficient due to the optimization, but effective and accurate in recognizing the target for UAV.
the Aeronautical Foundation of China(Grant No.2015ZA51013)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.61673327)