
液压挖掘机工作装置建模分析与仿真 被引量:3

Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Hydraulic Excavator Mechanism
摘要 针对液压挖掘机运动学和动力学建模复杂过程,以某型6t挖掘机工作装置为研究对象,利用SimMechanics对机械结构进行快速建模,从而代替运动学模型获得挖掘机机构模型.采用Pro/E软件对液压挖掘机工作装置建立三维模型,将其导入ADAMS环境中,并对比验证作业结果.在ADAMS软件中,对挖掘机工作装置进行动力学仿真,得到液压挖掘机的工作特性曲线.仿真结果表明:理论上添加的载荷能够体现在各个驱动关节处受力变化中,相比其他阶段,在挖掘阶段关节受力矩变化影响较为复杂. Motivated by complicated kinematics and dynamics modeling processes for hydraulic excavator,the presented paper aims to analyze mechanism modeling in 6thydraulic excavator.By using MATLAB/SimMechanics,the mechanical structure of the excavator was modeled rapidly instead of kinematics model.Its 3D model was constructed by using Pro/E and it was imported to ADAMS for remodeling.The reachable working area was compared with the result given by SimMechanics model.Furthermore,dynamics simulation of excavator working device were carried out with ADAMS software,and the working characteristic curves of the hydraulic excavator were obtained.The results of the simulation show that in theory added load on excavator bucket can be reflected in the torque change at each joint.Compared with other stages,the torque change is more complicated in the excavation stage.
出处 《华侨大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2017年第5期602-607,共6页 Journal of Huaqiao University(Natural Science)
基金 福建省科技计划项目(2015H0026) 福建省泉州市科技计划项目(2013Z34) 第48批留学回国人员科研启动基金(Z1534004)
关键词 液压挖掘机 机构模型 动力学分析 ADAMS软件 hydraulic excavator mechanical structure model dynamics analysis ADAMS software
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