

News from the Ministries and Departments
摘要 6月19日,司法部根据全国人大常委会关于实行宪法宣誓制度的决定,举行公务员代表宪法宣誓仪式.司法部部长张军主持并监誓,司法部副部长熊选国领誓。宣誓仪式上,熊选国带领司法部机关150余名领导干部和公务员代表,整齐地站立于办公大楼西门,面对鲜艳的五星红旗,高举右拳庄严宣誓:“忠于中华人民共和国宪法,维护宪法权威,履行法定职责,忠于祖国、忠于人民,恪尽职守、廉洁奉公,接受人民监督,为建设富强、民主、文明、和谐的社会主义国家努力奋斗!”张军在主持宣誓仪式时强调,举行宪法宣誓对于彰显宪法权威,增强公职人员宪法观念,激励公职人员忠于宪法、遵守宪法、维护宪法,对于在全社会增强宪法意识、树立宪法权威具有极其重要的意义。 On June 19, the Ministry of Justice held a constitutional swearing ceremony for representatives of the public servants in accordance with the decision of implementation of constitutional swearing ceremony by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Zhang Jun, the justice minister chaired and oversaw the ceremony with Xiong Xuanguo, the vice judicial minister, led the swearing-in ceremony. At the swearing ceremony, over 150 cadres and representatives of public servants led by Xiong Xuanguo stood in trimmed array in front of the west door of the office building, facing the five-star national flag, raising their right fists, swearing solemnly, "(we will be) loyal to the constitution of the People's Republic of China, safeguarding the constitutional authority, performing the legitimate duty and obligation, loyal to the motherland, to the people, fulfilling their duty diligently, maintaining integrity and uncorrupt, receiving supervision of the people, striving hard to build a strong, democratic, civilized and harmonious socialist country!" Zhang Jun stressed while chairing the swearing ceremony that holding the constitutional swearing ceremony may manifest constitutional authority, enhance the constitutional concept of state functionaries, give incentives to state functionaries to uphold the constitution, abide by the constitution, safeguard the constitution, which shall be of great importance to enhancing the constitutional awareness of the whole society and establishing authority of constitution.
出处 《中国法律(中英文版)》 2017年第3期142-145,共4页 China Law
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