庄河地区属暖温带大陆性季风气候区,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,四季分明,历年平均日照时数为2 415.6 h,日照充足,日照率56%左右。本文对1961—2010年庄河地区日照资料进行分析,结果表明,庄河地区近50年年日照变化线性函数为y=-2.273 2x+2 523.9,庄河地区的年日照变化率为-22.73 h/10年,说明近50年的日照时数年变化呈缓慢减少趋势。季变化分析中,春季日照时数较多,夏季日照时数较少,秋、冬两季日照时数居中。从月份多项式函数分布曲线来看,庄河地区月均日照时数呈现逐月"增加—降低—增加—降低"2个循环变化。
Zhuanghe area is located in a warm temperate continental monsoon climate zone.There's no sever cold in winter or intense heat in summer ,all seasons are distinctive. The average sunshine duration was 2 415.6 h ,which was adequate ,and sunshine rate was about 56%.The sunshine data from 1961 to 2010 in Zhuanghe area was analyzed. The results showed that in recent 50 years,the linear function for annual sunshine duration change was y=-2.273 2x+2 523.9, and the sunshine duration change rate was about -22.73 h per 10 years, so the sunshine duration change was little in this 50 years. According to the seasonal variation analysis, the sunshine duration was the most in spring and the least in summer. In autumn and winter, the sunshine duration was in the middle. The monthly polynomial function distribution curve showed that the average monthly sunshine duration appeared increase-decrease" double-cycle change.
Modern Agricultural Science and Technology