目的 :研究口服和注射甘草酸二铵对小鼠血清α INF及碳粒廓清率的影响。方法 :应用细胞病变方法测定小鼠血清α INF含量和分光光度法测定血液碳粒廓清指数K值 ,并进行两组比较。结果 :静脉注射甘草酸二铵能显著提高血清α INF水平 (P <0 .0 5 )及增加碳粒廓清指数K值 (P <0 .0 1) ,并优于口服给药。结论 :IV甘草酸二铵能诱生血清α
OBJECTIVE:The effects of oral and parenteral diammonium glycyrrhizate(DGL) on the serum α Interferon(α INF) and the clearance rate of characoal particles in mice were investigted. METHOD:The level of α INF and the clearance rate of charcol particles were determined by the 50% plaque reduction method on L monolayer cell cultures and by the spectrophotometry respectivevely. RESULTS:Increased level of α INFand clearance rate of charcol particles were found by intravenous administration of DGL in mice. These results demonstrated that the iv administration of DGL was supperior to that by orally. CONCLUSION:Intravenous administration of DGL has actions ofα INF inducing and incereasing the clearance rate of charcol particles.
Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy