
替代计量指标评价科研成果社会影响的研究 被引量:4

Study on Altmetric Indicators to Evaluate Social Influence on Scientific Research Achievements
摘要 [目的/意义]探讨替代计量指标评价科研成果社会影响的实践可行性。[方法/过程]阐述替代计量指标评价科研成果社会影响的理论基础,分析替代计量指标的来源和影响类型、代表社会影响的指标以及应用实践中应该遵循的原则,进而探讨替代计量指标评价科研成果社会影响的可行性和应用建议。[结果/结论]替代计量指标评价学术成果的社会影响力,可以补充现有引文评价指标的不足。但将其应用于实践,需要筛选出反映科研成果社会影响的指标,并深入分析指标所代表的社会影响力含义,这还需要大量的实证研究。 [Purpose/significance]The paper is to explore the practicability of evaluating social influence on scientific research achievements with altmetric indicators.[Method/process]The paper states the theoretical base of using altmetric indicators to evaluate social influence on scientific research achievements, analyzes the source of altmetric indicators and their types of influence, indicators as representative of social influence and the principles which should be followed in application practice, and then discusses the feasi- bility and application suggestions of evaluating social influence on scientific research achievements with altmetrie indicators. [Result/ conclusion]Altmetric indicators to evaluate social influence on research achievements could be a complement to the traditional citation index in research evaluation. But when being applied to practice, the indicators reflecting social influence on research achievements should be selected, and the social influence meaning of these indexes should be analyzed deeply, which needs lots of empirical research.
作者 刘烜贞 湛乐
出处 《情报探索》 2017年第10期35-38,共4页 Information Research
基金 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究项目“科研成果社会影响的替代计量学研究”(项目编号:2016SJB870005) 教育部人文社会科学自筹基金项目“基于社交媒体评论内容的替代计量学研究”(项目编号:16YJE870002)成果之一
关键词 替代计量学 社会影响 科研评价 altmetrics social influence scientific research evaluation
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