With Xuancheng city as an example, this paper explores the methodology of identity oriented comprehensive urban design. For the first difficulty regarding the "much content" to be covered in comprehensive urban design, with reasonable classification and segmentation, it proposes a universal technical framework that answers the question successively by four steps as "what urban space feature is, where it builds, how it builds and how it' s managed" . For the second difficulty regarding the "wide scale" of comprehensive urban design range, it proposes a systematic, classified, subarea controlling system that "strictly controls the focus and gives consideration to the market as well" , enabling planning managers to be focused and targeted to solve the contradiction between quality and efficiency. As for the last difficulty regarding the "Long period" required for a comprehensive urban design to be carried out, it proposes an "lmmersivechecking" management platform and "annualprogressing" action plan for shaping urban space features, so as to accomplish the urban long-term goal by annual action.
Architecture & Culture
urban space identity planning
comprehensive urban design~ Xuancheng