

The Schools Division of the Vietnam War Research in U.S.
摘要 美国学界关于越南战争的著述极其丰富,争论之热烈被称为"无休止的战争"。自由-现实主义学派的正统诠释认为,越战是悲剧性的巨大错误。修正派则为美国的越战政策作道义辩护,总结越战"教训"。正统派批评越战的目的,在于树立一种统一逻辑的正规思想。修正派本质上是唯心主义的,这是它无法撼动越战正统史学地位和影响的原因所在。结束辩论,达成越战共识,这是未来美国越战史研究的必然趋势。 The academic circles in the United States are extremely rich in writings about the Vietnam War,of which the discussions are so heated that is thought as"the unending debate".The prevailing or orthodox interpretation in the eyes of historians of the United States,generally labeled as liberal-realistic interpretation,characterizestheU.S.involvements in Vietnam as tragic and monumental errors,and a majority of historians devote their efforts to address the question why the United States fight in Vietnam.On the other side,these scholars pay attention to everything concerned and try to make every effort to reconcile criticisms of the Vietnam War.The so called "revisionist"literature defends the decision to wage war in Vietnam.Revisionists contend that the U.S.military effort in Vietnam was justifiable,and indeed moral,standing in defense of freedom against tyranny.And they concentrate their works on how the United States could have won the war.The orthodox interpretation is not toward criticism itself but to achieve common understanding around the cause of the Vietnam war.It is not so much for criticism as for defending the America's involvement.And the revisionists,which can not substitute for the orthodox interpretation,are fundamentally idealism.The Postrevisionist is still in the process of the integration resulting from giving obscure answers.The disputes will necessarily be settled and the consensus on the Vietnam war,which is the future trend of the study of American Vietnam war history,will be reached.No matter what schools they are,there are no essential differences between them.
作者 程晓燕
出处 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第9期113-126,共14页 Journal of Historical Science
关键词 美国 越战史学史 正统派 修正派 后修正派 the United States, historiographical survey on Vietnam war orthodoxy revisionist postrevisionist
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