
李荣珍教授治疗眼底疾病经验浅析 被引量:3

Profesor LI Rongzhen's Academic Idea and Experience about Treating the Diseases of the Ocular Fundus
摘要 [目的]总结李荣珍名老中医治疗眼底疾病的临证经验。[方法]通过师承传授,记录并学习相关医案,从脏腑辨证、处方用药两方面总结李师治疗眼底疾病的临床经验,并例举验案两则具体说明。[结果]李荣珍教授认为该病与脏腑密切相关,病位主要责之于心,其发病与肝、脾、肾密切相关。在临床治疗中,李师擅用古方,并根据眼底疾病的不同类型,辨证论治,随证加减,临床疗效显著:对于暴盲之心脾两虚者方选归脾汤益气摄血,肝阳上亢者予镇肝熄风汤滋阴潜阳,气滞血瘀者选取血府逐瘀汤化瘀止血;对于云雾移睛之肾阴亏损者方选六味地黄丸补肾明目,肝脾不调证予逍遥散益气健脾,气血亏虚证选用八珍汤益气补血。所举案例,均验证了李师的临证经验。[结论]李荣珍老师在治疗眼底疾病时,注重眼与脏腑之间的关系,辨证论治,活用古方,灵活用药,其治疗经验值得学习和应用。 [Objective] To sum up the clinical experience of famous veteran doctor LI Rongzhen in treating the fundus oculi disease. [Methods] By learning from Professor LI Rongzhen, recording the relevant cases and analyzing the typical cases, to summarize the academic idea and the clinical experience according to the viscera syndrome differentiation and treatment characteristics, as well as list two proved cases. [Results] Professor LI Rongzhen holds that this disease is closely related with the viscera, origins from heart, involving liver, lung and kidney. In the clinical treatment, Professor LI is good at using the classical prescriptions and the therapy with syndrome differentiation with the permit addition and subtraction, according to the pattern of the fundus oculi disease, which has received the remarkable effect: patients with the deficiency of both heart and spleen of sudden blind, using the principle of nourishing qi to stop bleeding with Guipi Decoction, patients with hyper-action of liver yang, using Zhengan Xifeng Decoction to nourish yin for suppressing hyperactive yang, patients with qi stagnation and blood stasis are treated by Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction to remove stasis and stopp blood; patients with deficiency of kidney-yin of vitreous opacity, using the treatment of tonifying kidney for improving eyesight, with Six Ingredient Rehmannia Pill to nourish the liver and kidney, syndrome with the disharmony of liver and spleen, using Xiaoyao Powder to replenish vital energy,deficiency of qi and blood, applying Bazhen Decoction to invigorate qi and blood. All of the cases verify her clinical experience. [Conclusion] While treating the fundus oculi disease, Professor LI pays attention to the relation between the eyes and the viscera, using the therapy with syndrome differentiation, with the flexible application of the ancient prescriptions and the traditional Chinese medicine, her experience in treating the fundus oculi disease is well worth learning and using.
机构地区 浙江中医药大学
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2017年第9期758-760,共3页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
关键词 眼底疾病 脏腑 古方 辨证论治 李荣珍 医案 经验 fundus oculi disease viscera classical prescription therapy with syndrome differentiation LI Rongzhen medical records experience
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