
“反间”:秦统一进程中的成功策略 被引量:3

“Strategem of Sowing Distrust or Discord Among One's Enemies”:Successful Strategies in the Process of Unification of the Qin Dynasty
摘要 因尉缭、李斯建议所施行的"反间"策略,造成了赵国良将李牧被害、齐国丞相后胜被收买的严重后果,导致赵国的败亡和齐国的不战而降,加快了秦始皇完成统一六国的进程。由此上溯战国时期多次出现的"反间"方式,客观上都有利于奠定秦国独强于天下的军事优势,也可以理解为秦国由"兼并之战"逐渐转变为"统一之战"的有机组成部分。而楚汉之争中影响最大的陈平"反间"方式,可以视为尉缭、李斯"反间"计谋的翻版。 The implementation of the strategem of sowing distrust or discord among one's enemies suggested by Wei Liao and Li Si led to the killing of Li Mu, an eminent general of State Zhao as well as the betrayal of Hou Sheng, the Prime Minister of State Qi; and led to the downfall of State Zhao and the capitulation of State Qi without a fight, to end up with speeding up the completion of the process of uni- fying the other six states by Emperor Qin Shihuang. This dates back to the Warring States Period, when the way of "the strategem of sowing distrust or discord among one's enemies" appeared many times, which was objectively favorable to laying a strong foundation for State Qin to be the best among the seven states. This strategem can also be understood as an organic part of State Qin' s gradual transfor- mation from "battle of annexation" into "unification war". And the mode of "strategem of sowing dis- trust or discord among one' s enemies" by Chen Ping had the greatest impact on the war between State Chu and State Han, which can be regarded as a replica of the "strategem of sowing distrust or discord among one' s enemies" by Wei Liao and Li Si.
作者 孙家洲 SUN Jiazhou(College of History, Renmin University of China Collaborative Innovation Research Center of Unearthed Literature and Ancient Chinese Civilization, Beijing 100872, China)
出处 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2017年第5期7-12,共6页 Journal of Xianyang Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(14ZDB028)
关键词 尉缭 李斯 反间 秦统一 Wei Liao Li Si strategem of sowing distrust or discord among one's enemies unification of the Qin Dynasty
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