There are a lot of research about relations between "The Gospel According to Mark" and "Revenge II" by Lu Xun, but the deep study of the two text's relationship in comparative reading is still to be done. Therefore, it is necessary to trace to the Chinese Union Version and its English version of Bible, then identify the lingual relations between "The Gospel According to Mark" and "Revenge II", present objectively the path of the multiple cultural value of "The Gospel According to Mark" to "Revenge II" by Lu Xun's exploiting, and finally discuss various reasons why Lu Xun takes selectively in "The Gos- pel According to Mark" and adds emotional details in "Revenge II". In term of such deep investigation, we can find the correlated of two classical texts in cultural interaction, and it is useful to return to the "human Lu Xun" and discover "humanity spirit of Bible".
Comparative Literature in China
"The Gospel According to Mark"
"Revenge II"
correlated investigation
the return to humanity spirit