
剖宫产手术并发症对产妇性功能的影响分析 被引量:6

Effect of complications of cesarean section on maternal sexual function and the countermeasures
摘要 目的:分析剖宫产手术后并发症对产妇性功能的影响,探讨降低剖宫产手术并发症对策。方法:选择2013年3月至2016年3月在我院性剖宫产手术的62例患者作为研究对象。纳入产妇妊娠后建档时采用产后性功能障碍诊断量化及评分表测试均无性功能障碍,产后夫妇未分居,男方性功能正常。按照术后是否出现并发症将其分为两组,并发症组(n=26)和对照组(n=36),比较两组产妇术后3个月、6个月产后性功能障碍诊断量化及评分表,对两组患者产后性功能障碍患者进行分类,分析导致产妇产后性功能障碍的术后并发症方面的原因。探讨降低剖宫产产妇术后并发症的对策。结果:并发症组产妇与对照组产妇产后3个月性幻想、性欲望、谈论有关性问题、对男方性活动建议的反应、性高潮、性生活频度评价、性生活质量评分及性交痛评分及产后性功能障碍诊断量化及评分总分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);6个月后并发症组产妇性幻想、性欲望、谈论有关性问题、对男方性活动建议的反应、性高潮、性生活频度评价、性生活质量评分、性交痛评分及产后性功能障碍诊断量化及评分总分均低于对照组产妇,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。6个月后并发症组产妇有20例(76.92%)判断为性功能障碍,对照组仅7例(19.44%)判断为性功能障碍,并发症产后6个月性功能障碍率显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。并发症组20例性功能障碍者以性交疼痛或性交困难为主15例占75.00%。结论:剖宫产产妇术后发生并发症对产妇术后的性功能具有非常重要的影响,对产妇围产期进行健康宣教,加强术后医疗护理质量,降低并发症率对提高剖宫产产妇性功能具有重要意义。 Objectives: To analyze the effect of postoperative complications of cesarean section on maternal sexual function,and to explore the countermeasures to reduce the complications of cesarean section. Methods: 62 patients receiving cesarean section in our hospital from March 2013 to March 2016 were selected as study subjects.The quantitative diagnosis of postpartum sexual dysfunction and scoring table test were done on the patients. No sex-ual dysfunction was found. According to the postoperative complications,the patients were divided into two groups,complication group( n = 36) and control group( n = 26). Postpartum sexual dysfunction diagnosis and quantitative score table of two groups 3 months and 6 months after cesarean section were compared. Postpartum sexual dysfunction patients of two groups were classified. The complications causing postpartum sexual dysfunction were analyzed to explore the countermeasures to reduce the complications after cesarean section. Results: There was no significant difference in postpartum sexual fantasies,sexual desire,talking about sexual problems,the reaction to sexual activity suggestions,orgasm,sexual life frequency,evaluation scores of sexual life quality,sexual pain scores,postpartum sexual dysfunction diagnosis and quantitative score between two groups 3 months after the operation( P 0. 05). There were significant differences in the aspects of postpartum sexual fantasies,sexual desire,talking about sexual problems,the reaction to sexual activity suggestions,orgasm,sexual life frequency,evaluation scores of sexual life quality,sexual pain scores,postpartum sexual dysfunction diagnosis and quantitative score between two groups( P 0. 05). At 6 months after operation,there were 20 cases of sexual dysfunction in complication group,while there were 7 cases of sexual dysfunction in control group,with significant difference( P 0. 05). There were15 cases of sexual intercourse pain or sexual intercourse difficulty in complications group. Conclusion: The postoperative complications of cesarean section have important influence on maternal postoperative sexual function. Health education on puerpera,strengthening medical care and reducing complication rate are of great significance.
出处 《中国性科学》 2017年第10期119-122,共4页 Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
基金 陕西省科技厅科技攻关项目(2013SFZ-06)
关键词 剖宫产 并发症 性功能 Rizatriptan Monobenzoate Tablets Migraine Hemorheology Clinical curative effect
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