
联邦德国人纳粹记忆中的受害者意识 被引量:1

The Victim Consciousness in the Memory of National Socialism in the Federal Republic of Germany
摘要 二战一结束,面对战争末期的痛苦经历以及同盟国的非纳粹化改造和"集体罪责"的指责,联邦德国社会迅速发展出了一种"防御性"的受害者意识。直至1960和1970年代,在法兰克福审判、学生运动和社民党政府历史反思策略的推动下,德国人开始从自身历史中寻找受害的根源,这种受害者意识越来越带有"批判性"。1980年代,基民盟/基社盟保守主义的历史政策将纳粹政权的执行者同样视为纳粹主义的受害者。在比特堡事件中,出现了以塑造德国人自我认同为目标的"建构性"的受害者意识。从1990年代尤其是21世纪初开始,德国人的受害者意识经历了新的复苏和膨胀,涌现出大量出版物和影视作品。在这种控诉式的记忆呈现模式中,德国人的受害者意识逐渐呈现"攻击性",隐含着与犹太人的受害者话语竞争的趋势。德国人本身的二战创伤记忆自有其合法性和意义,不应将其妖魔化。但重要的是,我们应如何在公共领域深入讨论它,批判而不是否定地看待它,并且摆脱民族国家的束缚进一步将其欧洲化。 There arose a'defensive'victim consciousness in the society of the Federal Republic of Germany( FRG) immediately after the World War II under the background of the wartime experiences,the denazification by and the accusation of'collective guilt'from allied powers. In the 1960s and 1970s,fueled by the Frankfurt Auschwitz trials,the student movements and the policy of historical reflection adopted by Social Democratic Party( SPD),Germans began to find the causes for the sufferings in their own history and this victim consciousness became more and more'critical'. In the 1980s,the conservative historical policy adopted by Christian Democrats Union/Christian Social Union( CDU/CSU) regarded the executors of the Nazi regime as its victims too. A 'constructive'victim consciousness which aimed to shape the German self-identification emerged in the Bitburg event. Since the 1990s,especially since the beginning of the 21^(st) century,the German victim consciousness has experienced reviving and expanding,appearing in numerous publications and films. In the complaint memory display mode,this consciousness finally became 'offensive',which implied a victim discourse competition between Germans and Jews. It's legitimate and significant for Germans to narrate their traumatic memory of the World War II,so it is wrong to demonize it. What is important is to figure out how to discuss the memory in the public sphere and view it critically and how to Europeanise it by shucking off the restriction from the nation states.
作者 范丁梁
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期46-53,共8页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学规划基金青年项目"二战后联邦德国关于纳粹问题的历史研究与历史政策"(14CSS019)
关键词 联邦德国 纳粹 受害者意识 创伤记忆 FRG National Socialism victim consciousness traumatic memory
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