近日,全新梅赛德斯-奔驰Tourismo RHD客车在比利时布鲁塞尔举行了全球首发式,在历经20年后,这款高顶旅游客车将以全新设计的版本续写其成功的故事。Tourismo的前代产品是当之无愧的畅销车型,从上市至今已经销售2.6万辆,其中超过2 000辆在2016年交付给客户。与之对应的是Tourismo在欧洲市场占据20%的市场份额,从而成为欧洲市场最为成功的旅游客车。
The new Mercedes-Benz Tourismo RHD is celebraing its world premiere in Brussels today. After nearly 20 years, the high-decker touring coach (RHD)is a completely new version set to continue the long success story. The new Tourismo will set standards with respect to fuel efficiency, comfort and safety in the constantly growing touring and inter-city bus market.
Commercial Vehicle