7月12日,备受瞩目的"2017沃尔沃卡车节油挑战赛颁奖晚宴暨2017/18 VISTA启动仪式"在成都举办。在以"从优秀到卓越"为主题的颁奖晚宴上,除了见证冠军的诞生,沃尔沃卡车(中国)还启动了2017/18 VISTA新一届赛事,再次引领行业技术服务升级。赛为商用,贴近客户堪称行业盛会的沃尔沃卡车节油挑战赛,以其"国际化、挑战性、高端、实用"等特点,
July 12, 2017, The Award of VOLVO' s the Driver' s Full Challenge 2017 and Kick-off of VISTA World Championship 2017--2018 were held at Chengdu, Sichuan province. Mr. YangZheng, from ZTO Express, Dongguan Branch won the champion, and go to Sweden to take part in the international contest. At the award event, VISTA World Championship 2017--2018 was also kicked off, resulting in leading technological upgrading and innovation among the industry.
Commercial Vehicle