河北省石家庄市鹿泉区是河北省的主要建材基地之一,日产水泥6万t、矿粉2万t、粉煤灰2万t;该区拥有从事水泥、粉煤灰等粉粒物料运输的罐式半挂列车约有1 500辆。正是它们不分白天黑夜的运转,将这些建筑材料源源不断地运往保定、沧州、衡水、北京等地。石家庄坤捷运输有限公司便是该区诸多运输企业之一,有着16年运输生涯的该公司总经理封爱辉的用车理念可谓与时俱进。
A shijiazhuang transport - Mr. Feng Aihui, since 2001 engaged in the transportation business, have their own concept of using vehicles, that is "Advance with the times" . He buys vehicles without blindly worshipping big brands and state-run brands. Moreover, in the new policy environment, the courage to try new things, so as to have their own income.
Commercial Vehicle