This paper is based on panel data of 69 countries which are locat- ed along "The Belt and Road" from 2006 to 2015. different factors which influ- ence Chinese OFDI entrance and scale along the B&R are decomposed by using Heckman two-phase model and compared between different developing economic entities. The result shows that: (1) Generally, China's foreign direct investment in this region has significant market-seeking and resources-seeking motivation; (2) the major motivation for Chinese direct investment towards the high-income coun- tries is market-seeking. What's more, the scale of the market in the host coun- tries and the dependency on Chinese import are the main factors influencing the chances of Chinese OFDI entrance and scale selection; (3) Different from high-in- come countries, as a low and middle income country, Chinese OFDI has more ob- vious motivation for resources. Finally, on the basis of above research, some sug- gestions which are aimed at the expansion of the Chinese OFDI in this region and preventing risks are put forward.