
经阴道彩色多普勒超声在诊断剖宫产子宫疤痕妊娠中的价值 被引量:9

The Value of Transvaginal Color Doppler Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Cesarean Scar Pregnancy
摘要 目的探讨和分析经阴道彩色多普勒超声在诊断剖宫产子宫疤痕妊娠中的价值。方法此次研究选择我院在2013年1月-2017年1月期间收治的52例剖宫产子宫疤痕妊娠患者作为研究主体,按照诊断方法分为甲组和乙组,甲组患者经阴道彩色多普勒超声进行诊断,乙组患者经腹彩色多普勒超声进行诊断,对比甲乙两组诊断符合率。结果在本组研究的52例患者中,孕囊型表现的患者为43例,有不均质肿块型表现的患者为4例,有混合型表现的患者为5例。甲组诊断出47例,乙组诊断出35例,甲组诊断符合率(90.38%)高于乙组(67.31%),差异对比存在统计学意义(χ~2=8.302,P=0.004)。结论在剖宫产子宫疤痕妊娠的诊断中,经阴道彩超的价值要高于经腹彩超,诊断符合率很高,值得推广。 Objective To investigate and analyze the transvaginal color Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of cesarean scar pregnancy in value. Methods The study selected in our hospital during January 2013-2017 year in January 52 cases of cesarean scar pregnancy patients as the research subject, in accordance with the diagnostic methods were divided into group A and group B, diagnosis transvaginal color Doppler ultrasound in diagnosis of patients with first, transabdominal color Doppler ultrasound in group B patients, the coincidence rate of contrast group two B diagnosis. Results In 52 cases of this group of patients, the gestational sac type were 43 cases, a heterogeneous mass type in 4 cases, mixed type were 5 cases. The diagnosis of 47 cases, group B diagnosed 35 cases,The diagnostic coincidence rate (90.38%) higher than that in group B (67.31%), differences had statistical significance (X^2=8.302, P=0.004). Conclusion The cesarean scar pregnancy diagnosis, transvaginal color Exceed the value of transabdominal ultrasound, the diagnostic coincidence rate is high, it is worth promoting.
作者 曾俊怡 周敏 ZENG-Jun-yi ZHOU Min(Department of Functional, Shunde Hospital, Southern Medical University, Foshan 528300, Guangdong Province, Chin)
出处 《罕少疾病杂志》 2017年第5期35-36,39,共3页 Journal of Rare and Uncommon Diseases
关键词 经阴道彩色多普勒超声 剖宫产 子宫疤痕妊娠 诊断价值 Transvaginal Color Doppler Ultrasound Cesarean Section Uterine Scar Pregnancy Diagnostic Value
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