目的了解掌握某战区部队水痘发病情况,探讨战区部队水痘流行规律。方法对济南战区部队2005-2015年疫情报告数据库中水痘报告发病及水痘突发公共卫生事件进行统计分析。结果 2005-2015年,济南战区部队共报告水痘病例1486例,年均发病135.09例;报告水痘突发公共卫生事件43起,涉及249例病例,占11年间报告病例数的16.76%(249/1486)。暴发疫情最多的是2007年度,10起66例;暴发病例数最多的是2006年度,共5起72例。结论济南战区在2005-2015年间水痘发病呈双高峰起伏状态。新兵和新学员聚集性发病多见,应引起重视。
Objective To find out about the epidemics of chickenpox in troops of Jinan Theater Command and explore the epidemic patterns of chickenpox in these troops. Methods Based on the data from the 2005-2015 epidemic reporting database of Jinan Theater Command,the incidence of chickenpox and sudden public health events caused by chickenpox were statistically analyzed.Results A total of 1486 cases of chickenpox were reported in troops of Jinan Theater Command between 2005 and 2015,with an average annual incidence of 135.09 cases. A total of 43 public health emergencies were associated with chickenpox,involving 249 cases and accounting for 16.76% of the total reported cases in 11 years( 249/1486). The number of outbreaks in 2007 was the largest( ten),involving 66 cases. However,the outbreaks in 2006 involved the largest number of cases( 72 cases). Conclusion There were two incidence peaks of chickenpox from 2005 to 2015 in Jinan Theater Command. In recruits and new students,the clustering onset ofchickenpox is frequent,which deserves more attention.
Journal of Preventive Medicine of Chinese People's Liberation Army
military personnel, chickenpox, epidemic reporting, epidemic characteristics