

Commercials for Chinese and Foreign Jewelry Brand from the Perspective of Aural Grammar:the Case of Chow Tai Fook,Cartier and Tiffany
摘要 在漫长的岁月里,语言是人们交流表达的唯一方式。随着数字信息时代的到来,电视机、网络媒体、移动手机逐渐成为主流互动工具,人们的生活得以便捷与丰富,而与此同时,人们的交流同时具备了语言、图片、声音以及动作等多模态特征。在经济全球化背景下,广告宣传片作为企业重要的宣传工具,不仅能发布最新产品信息,更能传播其品牌理念与企业文化,以"润物细无声"的方式对消费者产生潜移默化的影响。集语言文字、图片动作以及声音为一体的宣传片是典型的多模态文本,如何对各种模态,尤其是对鲜有人涉足的声音模态进行分析,探析其在宣传片中如何构建意义及其与其他模态的合作模式,是本文的研究重点。本文选取周大福《完美婚嫁》、卡地亚《求婚大作战》以及蒂芙尼《你,愿意吗》三部具有代表性的品牌珠宝宣传片为研究对象,以Van Leeuwen声音语法为理论框架,利用音频分析软件Cool Edit Pro对三大品牌珠宝宣传片中的声音模态进行可视化研究,重点分析声音模态在多模态意义构建中的作用,并尝试通过音频分析软件实现声音模态的可视化分析。论文首先将三部品牌宣传片中的声音部分转换为声音文件,并用Cool Edit Pro播放,生成各自的波谱图,基于波谱图分析,论文对三部宣传片的声音模态进行了总体对比。Van Leeuwen在专著《言语声响音乐》提出将声音,尤其是其中的音乐与声响,纳入表意系统的研究中,并根据其与视觉语法中相关概念的互通性进行了系统探讨。本文根据声音与视觉语法的关联性和可操作性,从声音语法的角度、社会距离以及情态对三部品牌珠宝宣传片的声音模态进行分析。通过研究我们发现声音模态可以起到吸引消费者、强化意义、升华主题等作用。声音模态与语言模态、视觉模态协同配合,对意义的构建与表达有着不可小觑的作用,这对如何制作推广宣传片有着一定的启发意义。 In quite a long period of time, language was the only way to convey meanings. With the coming of the digital information era, television, internet, and mobile phone be-come the main method for communication, making the life more convenient and colorful. However, interactive modality which includes words, images, sounds and motions, diversi-fies and makes the communication more complicate. In the context of globalization, commer-cials video have been a significant tool to release information and promote products. Com-mercials also act as a fantastic appeal to customers and have great influence on them simply by expressing their ideas and spreading the brand culture. Composed of images, words and sounds together, commercial is a representative genre for multimodal discourses. How to read multimodal discourses, especially the aural modality in them, and explore its working mechanism in meaning construction as well as in its synergism with other modalities, is the focus of this paper. This paper chooses commercials of three most representative brands, Cartier (^The Proposal) from Europe^ Tiffany (Will You) from America and Chow Tai Fook (The Per feet One) at home to illustrate and compare the commercials on the topic of Hpro- posal” or “ love”. This paper, with the help of Cool Edit Pro, carries out a visualized analysis on the aural modality of three commercials for Chinese and foreign brand jewelry from the perspective of the Aural Grammar proposed by Van Leeuwen. In the works Speech, Sound, Music,Van Leeuwen proposed the aural modality is an indispensable part in making mean-ings together with other modalities. This paper looks into the sounds of commercials of three brand jewelries generally in a visualized way with the help of the audition program Cool Edi-tor Pro by analyzing the spectrum and waves of commercials. Then the paper analyzes the sounds in three commercials from the perspective aural grammar by Van Leeuwen in terms of perspective, social distance and modality. The paper finds that aural modality in commercials coordinates with visual and verbal modality to construct meaning, captivate customers, at-tention, strengthen meaning and set the atmosphere. The study of aural modality can be of great help to the production of commercials for brand jewelries.
出处 《宝石和宝石学杂志》 CAS 2017年第A01期85-88,共4页 Journal of Gems & Gemmology
基金 湖北省高等学校人文社会科学重点研究基地--珠宝首饰传承与创新发展研究中心开放基金项目(CJHIXM-S201401)
关键词 品牌珠宝宣传片 声音模态 声音语法 可视化 commercial for brand jewelry aural modality aural grammar visualization
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