以2年生杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)良种林分为研究对象,采用3种不同肥料品种开展杉木幼林施肥试验。结果表明:肥料Ⅰ(N∶P_2O_5:K_2O=12∶12∶6)最有利于林分胸径生长,肥料Ⅲ(N∶P_2O_5∶K_2O=16∶16∶16)最有利于林分树高生长,肥料Ⅱ(N∶P_2O_5∶K_2O=15∶9∶6)介于二者之间。肥料Ⅰ在施用450 g/株时,林分树高和胸径净生长量达最高值,分别为3.08 m、8.60 cm;肥料Ⅱ在施用450 g/株时,林分树高和胸径净生长量达最高值,分别为3.62 cm、8.28 cm;肥料Ⅲ在施用400 g/株时,林分树高和胸径净生长达最高值,分别为4.70 m、7.60 cm。当施肥量均为300 g/株时,肥料Ⅲ树高净生长量显著高于肥料Ⅰ和肥料Ⅱ,肥料Ⅰ的胸径净生长量高于肥料Ⅱ和肥料Ⅲ。
Taking two-year-old improved variety stand of Cunninghamia lanceolata as object, fertilization tests for young plantation of Cunninghamia lanceolata were carried out using three fertilizers. Results showed that fertilizerⅠ(N∶P_2O_5∶K_2O=12∶12∶6) was the best for DBH growth;fertilizerⅢ(N∶P_2O_5∶K_2O =16∶ 16∶ 16) was the best for height growth; fertilizer Ⅱ(N∶ P_2O_5∶ K_2O=15∶ 9∶ 6) was some where in between. Net growths of tree height and DBH reached tops with 3.08 m and 8.60 cm respectively when 450 g fertilizer Ⅰ were used at a plant. Net growths of tree height and DBH were tops with 3.62 m and 8.28 cm respectively when 450 g fertilizerⅡwere used at a plant. Net growths of tree height and DBH were tops with 4.70 m and 7.60 cm respectively when 400 g fertilizer Ⅲ were used at a plant. When the fertilization amount was 300 g per plant,net growth of tree height using fertilizer Ⅲ was significant higher than that by using fertilizer Ⅰ and Ⅱ,and net growth of DBH by using fertilizerⅠwas significant higher than that by using fertilizer Ⅱand Ⅲ.
Guangxi Forestry Science
Cunninghamia lanceolata
young plantation