锂电池点焊机采用闭环控制,实现对锂电池的自动焊接精准控制。针对所开发的锂电池点焊机功能要求进行分析,设计应用欧姆龙CP1H系列PLC和DOPsoft组态软件实现锂电池点焊机控制系统方案。确定了以RS232通道实现DOPsoft与PLC通信,通过I/O口控制伺服系统、气动系统共同完成设计的焊接动作,同时控制点焊电源按照设计的时序和放电方式完成放电焊接。系统测试表明,点焊预压力精度为0.2~0.5%F.S,PLC控制程序时间占用9 ms,设计的控制系统性能稳定。
Lithium batteries welding machine use the closed loop control. It has functions for accurate control of automatic welding for lithium batteries. The functional requirements of the lithium batteries welding machine is discussed in this paper. A control system for lithium batteries welding machine was developed on the base of DOPsoft and Omron CP1 H PLC. In the system,RS232 channel was used to establish the real-time communication between DOPsoft and PLC. The servo system and pneumatic system was controlled by I/O channel to Complete designed welding. The welding power was controlled to complete discharge welding according to the designed sequence and discharge mode. The performance shows that welding precompression accuracy is 0. 2 ~ 0. 5% F. S,the time of PLC control program is 9 ms,the control system is reliable.
Electronic Science and Technology