目的调查并分析哈密市辖区内口腔卫生医疗机构人力资源配置现状,为医疗机构的口腔人力资源配置提供理论依据。方法采用调查表对哈密市所有口腔医疗服务机构进行普查,使用Epidata 3.1软件建立数据库,利用SPSS 17.0统计学软件进行数据处理,采用相对数进行统计描述;反映资源配置公平性指标利用基尼系数判断。结果哈密市45家口腔卫生医疗机构中民营机构所占比例最大为73.33%;三级医疗机构仅占2.22%,机构类型中以牙医诊所所占比例最大为68.89%;人力资源中以35岁及以下医生及护士为最多分别占52.48%,63.16%;医生学历以医生大专学历为主占55.32%,护士以大专及中专学历为主均占44.74%;职称构成中,医生以初级职称为主占41.13%,高级职称仅占7.80%,而护士以其他者占比例较大为44.74%,其次为初级为26.32%,高级职称仅占5.26%;公平性分析按人口分布角度处于最佳的平均状态,按面积分布分析处于正常状态;人力资源配置按人口及面积分布分析均处于警戒状态。结论哈密市口腔卫生人力资源主要分布在伊州区,口腔卫生医疗机构配置较公平,口腔卫生人力资源配置不足,且结构失衡、整体素质偏低,口腔卫生人力资源配置公平性处于警戒状态。
Objective This paper tries to analyze the cu r ren t s itu at io n of d en ta l h e a l th h um an resources d istr ib u t io n in H a -mi. In addition, the theoret ical bas is can be provided for the al location of dental manpower in medical ins t i tut ions . Methods The ques t ionnaire survey methods were used to inves tigate every dental medical ins t i tut ion in Hami. The database was es-tabl ished by Epidata 3.1 software, SPSS17.0 software was used for data processing. The Lorenz curve was plotted and the Gene coefficients were computed. Results T h e re were 45 d en ta l h e a l th in st itu tion s in Hami, an d th e p riv ate in st itu tion s a c -counted for the larges t proportion of 73.33%. Third level medical inst itutions accounted for only 2.22%. The larges t propor-tion of ins t i tut ional types was dental cl inics of 68.89%. The larges t proportion of doctors and nurses are under 35 years of old, account ing for 52.48% and 63.16% respectively. The doctor ’s educat ion background was mainly of college, account ing for 55.32%. The nurses were mainly from college and technical secondary school, account ing for 44.74%. The t i t le of doc-tors is mainly junior , account ing for 41.13%, only 7.80% of senior t i tles. The nurse ti tles of other kinds accounted for 44.74%; the primary level was 26.32%, only 5.26% of senior t i tles. The fairness analys is was the best average s tate based on populat ion dis tr ibut ion, normal condi tion by area distribution. The al location of human resources was on the aler t accord-ing to populat ion and area distribution. Conclusion T h e h um an re so u rce s of o ral hygiene in Hami were mainly lo ca ted in Yizhou District. The al lo ca tio n of d en ta l h e a l th c a re in s t i -tutions is fair. The al lo ca tio n of h um an reso u rce s in d en ta l h ygiene is in su ff ic ien t, an d th e s tru c tu re is u n b a lan c e d an d th e overall q u a lity is low. The eq u ity of oral h ea lth h um an reso u rce s allo ca tio n is on th e aler t.
China Health Industry
Oral hygiene
Hygienic h um an reso u rce s
R esou rc e al location
E qu ity