

Present Situa tion and Countermeasure Research for Vertical Integration Model of Medical Resource in Southwest of Shandong Province
摘要 目前,医疗服务体系纵向整合是一个全球范围内发展的主流趋势。该文通过对鲁西南地区的济宁、菏泽、枣庄3个地市及县域医疗资源纵向整合的现状进行梳理和分析,归纳该地区医疗资源纵向整合的模式特点,并针对其中存在的问题提出合理化的政策建议:增强医疗集团的内部凝聚力和整体效率,充分发挥集团在医疗资源纵向整合中的作用;完善对医疗资源纵向整合的考核,引导整合的健康发展;建立和完善医疗信息化共享服务平台,缓解群众就医难题。 At p re s e n t, th e v ert ic al in tegration of th e m ed ic a l service system is a m ains tream tren d of global d ev e lo pm en t. This pape r summarizes th e p re s en t s itu at io n of m ed ic al reso u rce s in J in in g , Heze an d Zaozhuang in th e southwest of S han-dong prov in c e, summarizes th e ch a ra c te r is t ic s of th e v ert ic al in tegration of m ed ic a l reso u rce s in th e region, an d puts forward the rationaliza tion policy for th e ex is ting p ro b lem s: en h an c in g th e in te rn a l coh es io n an d o veral l ef fic iency of th e m ed ic al group, giving full p lay of th e Group in th e v e r t ic a l in teg ra tio n of m ed ic a l re so u rc e s; improving th e a s se s sm en t of th e vert ic al integration of med ic al re so u rc e s, guiding th e h ea lth y develo pmen t of in teg ra t io n; e s tab l ish in g and improving th e m ed ic al in -formation sha rin g service p latform, and re liev ing p e o p le 5s m ed ic al problems.
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2017年第26期144-146,共3页 China Health Industry
基金 济宁市科技计划项目2014-12号 山东省社会科学规划研究项目(14CGLJ04)
关键词 鲁西南 医疗资源 纵向整合 现状 对策 Southwest of Shandong P ro vinc e Medical re so u rc e V er tic al in tegration model P re se n t s itu at io n Cou n termea su re
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