
小儿内科患儿医院感染危险因素研究 被引量:2

Study on Risk Factors of Nosocomial Infection on Children in Pediatric Department
摘要 目的分析小儿内科患儿医院感染危险因素,为医院小儿内科控制感染提供有价值参考。方法研究阶段为2016年1月—2017年1月期间,入选对象共128例,采用回顾性分析对小儿内科患儿医院感染的危险因素进行单因素、多因素Logistic回归分析。结果住院天数、接受手术、院外感染、使用呼吸机、留置胃管、白血病、肺炎、癫痫均与小儿内科患儿发生医院感染存在相关性,进行Logistic多因素分析发现住院天数、留置胃管、白血病、肺炎是小儿内科患儿发生医院感染的危险因素。结论小儿内科患儿发生医院感染主要与住院天数的长短、留置胃管、白血病、肺炎等有关,临床中需要重视并积极采取各种应对措施,有效减少小儿内科患儿的医院感染发生率。 Objective This p ap e r tries to analyze th e risk factors of nosocomial in fe ct ion in ch i ld ren in p ed ia tr ic d ep artm en t and to provide v a lu ab le re fe ren c e for th e h o sp i ta l to control in fe c t io n. Methods A total of 128 cases from Jan u a ry 2016 to January 2017 were se le c ted as th e re se a rch o b je c ts. The r isk factors of nosocomial in fe ct ion in p ed ia tr ic d ep a r tm en t were retrospectively analyzed by u n iv a r ia te an d mu ltiva ria te logistic regres sion a n a ly s is. Results The days of h osp i tal iz atio n, the surgery, and o u t-o f -h o sp i ta l in fe c t io n, th e use of v en tila to r, in dwell ing g as tric tu b e, le u k em ia, p neum o nia an d ep ilep sy were associated with nosocomial in fe ct ion in p ed ia tr ic c h i ld re n . Logistic m u ltiva ria te an a lys is rev e a led th e n um b er of h ospi tal s tay, in dwell ing g a s tric tu b e , le u k em ia, an d p neum o nia a re th e risk factors for nosocomial in fe ct ion in p ed ia tr ic c h i ld re n . Conclusion The in c id e n c e of nosocomial in fe ct ion in p ed ia t r ic ch i ld re n is mainly re la ted to th e leng th of h o sp i ta l stay, re -tent ion of g a s tric tu b e, le u k em ia, p n eum o nia an d so o n, th e c l in ic a l a t ten t io n n e ed s to be p a id to and various m easures should b e ac tive ly ta k e n to effectively re d u c e th e in c id e n c e of h o sp i ta l in fe ct ion in c h i ld re n .
作者 王慧
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2017年第26期161-162,165,共3页 China Health Industry
关键词 小儿内科 医院感染 危险因素 Pediatricdepartment H osp ita l in fe c t io n Risk factors
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