

Reflections on the Rate of Truancy in MOOC
摘要 随着慕课的日趋成熟,慕课呈现出的问题也越来越多。但就慕课目前发展的情况而言,注册人数数量庞大,但是完成课程的人少之又少,辍课率居高不下已成为慕课发展的一大瓶颈。笔者结合目前国内外对慕课的研究现状,针对慕课大规模、免费等特点,结合慕课受众的对象,从动机角度探究了慕课高辍课率的原因,分析得出慕课高辍课率存在的合理性。我们应该理性认识这一现象,在反思的前提下不断改进,发挥慕课对我国教育领域的建设性作用。 With MOOC becoming increasingly mature, more and more problems emerge in it. In terms of the current development of MOOC, a large number of people enroll in, but few of them can complete it, so the rate of truancy has become a major problem of MOOC development. Combined with the research status of MOOC at home and abroad, in view of the large scale and tuition free of MOOC, and combined with its audience, this paper explores the reasons of the high rate of truancy in MOOC from the perspective of motivation, and then analyzes the rationality of the high rate of truancy of MOOC. We should have a rational knowledge about the phenomenon and continuously improve it based on reflections, so as to give play to the constructive role of MOOC in the field of education in China.
作者 王富谦
出处 《科教文汇》 2017年第29期35-37,共3页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 慕课 辍课率 局限性 受众 MOOC rate of truancy limitation audience
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