

Challenges and Countermeasures of China's Carbon Emissions Trading Market Construction
摘要 碳排放权交易市场(后简称"碳市场")的建立是使用市场化手段推进碳减排,有效的控制温室气体排放的重要低碳发展路径。目前,我国碳市场建设已经完成了前期的准备,正在如火如荼的建设过程中。文章通过研究我国碳市场的建设现状,并对其面临的挑战进行分析,继而提出推动碳市场建设的对策建议,以期能够为碳市场的建设提供借鉴。 The establishment of carbon emissions trading market(hereinafter referred to as "carbon market") is the use of market-oriented means to promote carbon emissions, effective control of greenhouse gas emissions of important low-carbon development path. At present, China's carbon market construction has been completed in the early preparation, is in full swing in the construction process.This paper analyzes the current situation of China 's carbon market and analyzes the challenges it faces,and then puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to promote the construction of carbon market in order to provide reference for the construction of carbon market.
作者 张丽丽
出处 《环境研究与监测》 2017年第3期35-37,共3页 Environmental Research and Monitoring
关键词 碳市场 低碳 环保 carbon market low carbon environmental protection
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