
北京体育研究社对民国时期武术教育的历史贡献 被引量:5

The Historical Contribution of the Beijing Sports Research Institute to Martial Arts Education during Period of the Republic of China
摘要 民国时期,各类武术机构或武术组织为中国武术现代化转型提供实体支撑,各类思潮为中国武术现代化转型提供精神纲领。文章运用历史学、文化学、教育学为学理,以北京体育研究社对民国武术教育的历史贡献为研究对象,通过文献资料与逻辑分析等研究方法进行深入剖析,得出该研究对象主要表现在:其一,提倡武术并兼及体育,促使土洋涵濡,不仅为武术价值转向提供导向,而且为中国武术与西方体育两种不同文化进行对比、交融与吸纳提供平台;其二,北京体育研究社提出议决案,不仅为打破政府不事提倡、重文轻武之积习,而且为武术进入学校提供合法性和立法保障;其三,摒除畛域,加强交流,把固袭宗法、师徒秘传的传统武术公诸于世、团体传授之转变,并培养武术专业师资以解决学校和社会武术师资的匮乏;其四,编写教材,探索武术教学新模式,以适应团体传授;其五,创办期刊,研究理论重视武术学科交叉,以促进武术科学发展。 The period of the Republic of China is one when martial arts institutions or organizations provided solid support for the modern transformation of Chinese Wushu which was guided by various ideological trends. Integrating theories of history,culture and education,this paper aims to explore the historical contribution of the Beijing Sports Research Institute to Wushu education of this period. We find that the contribution mainly manifests itself in the following aspects. First,it advocated modern sports as well as Wushu,prompting the integration of the foreign and the local. This not only provided guidance for the reorientation of Wushu values,but also set a platform for the comparison,interaction and learning between Wushu and western sports. Secondly,the Beijing Sports Research Institute proposed resolutions,not only breaking the practice of government prizing intellectual pursuits above martial training,but also providing legal and legislative guarantee for the entry of Wushu into school. Thirdly,it tore down the boundaries between sects and emphasized exchange,made public those Wushu teachings that used to be kept only within each Wushu sect. This master-to-disciple teaching method now was turning into a group-oriented one,cultivating professional Wushu teachers to relieve the shortage of teaching personnel.Fourthly,the Institute compiled teaching materials,explored new models of Wushu teaching to meet the demand for group teaching. Fifthly,it published journals to promote the scientific development of Wushu,making theoretical research,and emphasizing the crossing of disciplines.
出处 《南京体育学院学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2017年第4期28-33,44,共7页 Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(编号:12BTY051)
关键词 北京体育研究社 民国 武术教育 议决案 历史贡献 Beijing Sports Research Institute The Republic of China Wushu education resolutions historical contribution
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