

A Study on the Relationship between Zhou Family in Xixiang County of Hefei City and Zhou Benchun as well as Tongcheng School
摘要 周本淳先生是我国著名的文史研究专家,其人生经历与五四以来中华民族摆脱苦难、寻求自强的历程大体上相对应。太平军入皖时,周本淳先生的四世祖周盛华率六兄弟办团练。周盛华等战死后,其弟周盛波、周盛传继续与太平军对抗。李鸿章招募淮军时,建立了周盛波和周盛传率领的盛字营。在征伐太平天国及捻军的过程中,盛字营脱颖而出成为淮军的中坚力量。周母为择校煞费苦心,目的是让周氏兄弟走出狭隘的私塾天地,接受正在兴起的新式教育。从入养正小学读书再到考入浙江大学,周本淳先生在接受新式教育的过程中,在家庭的影响下接受了桐城派的治学方式及经世致用的思想。桐城派的考证、辞章之学培养了周先生严谨的治学态度,其入世进取的精神铸造了周先生关心国家前途和命运的耿直性格。桐城派一向有居官授业、家族传嬗、朋友切磋、同僚服膺等传统,周氏家族接受桐城派,与曾国藩、李鸿章有一定的关系。如淮军领袖李鸿章与周盛波、周盛传兄弟既是上下级关系,又是同乡。这样的前提下,周本淳先生自然会在家风的影响下关注桐城派。周先生的学术成果主要集中在四个方面:一是校点古籍;二是诗学研究;三是考证古籍中的错讹;四是诗词创作。四者相辅相成,反映了周先生治学的不同层面。周先生胸怀广阔,有为国家文化事业服务的坚定信念,有深厚的小学功底,治学上承章黄学派,其诗词创作是周先生解决古代诗学问题的重要武器。 Zhou Benchun is a famous expert in the study of literature and history in China.His life experiences have largely corresponded to the process of getting rid of suffering and seeking selfimprovement in China since the May Fourth Movement.When Taiping forces entered Anhui province,Zhou Shenghua,Zhou Benchun's fourth generation ancestor,led his six brothers to train township soldiers.After Zhou Shenghua and others died,his brothers,Zhou Shengbo and Zhou Shengchuan continued to confront with the Taiping forces.Li Hongzhang recruited the Huai Army and established camp named Sheng which was led by Zhou Shengbo and Zhou Shengchuan.In the process of conquering Taiping and Nian forces,the Camp standouted and became the backbone of the Huai.Zhou Benchun's mother chose school painstakingly and wanted to let Zhou brothers get rid of narrow private school and accept the emerging new education.From Yangzheng Primary School to Zhejiang University,Mr.Zhou accepted academic style of Tongcheng school and thoughts of practical application.The research and speech of Tongcheng school cultivated Mr.Zhou's rigorous attitude.The enterprising spirit cast Mr.Zhou's upright character,and he cared about the country's future.Tongcheng school had traditions of being an government official and imparting knowledge,strengthening family,learning from friends,admitting peer group.Zhou family accepted Tongcheng school,which has certain relationship with Zheng Guofan and Li Hongzhang.For example,Li Hongzhang,the Huai leader,who was not only a superior but also a fellow of Zhou Shengbo and Zhou Shengchuan.Therefore,Mr.Zhou Benchun naturally concerned about the Tongcheng school.Mr.Zhou's academic achievements are mainly concentrated on four aspects:the revision of ancient books,research on Chinese poetics,verification of errors in ancient books as well as poetry creation.The four aspects complement each other,reflecting different levels of Zhou's scholarship.Mr.Zhou had a broad mind and a strong belief in serving national cultural undertakings.He had profound primary school knowledge and inherited Zhang Huang school in study.His Poetry creation was an important weapon for solving problems of ancient poetics.
作者 张强
出处 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2017年第5期52-60,共9页 Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition
关键词 周本淳 合肥西乡周氏 周氏宗谱及家风 桐城派 淮军 古籍校点 Zhou Benchun Zhou in Xixiang County of Hefei City Zhou's Genealogy and Family Style Tongcheng School Huai Army Revision of Ancient Books
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