Aiming a t the en v iro nmen t co urse 5 s ch a ra c te r is t ic s of the stro nger com p reh e n s iv en e s s , stronger practice and stronger application, the paper analyzes the existent environment course teaching problems at pres-ent: depth of teaching don 5 t meet the teaching quirements; the connect ion isn 5 t close between curriculum content and practice,teaching method is single; the practical teaching link isn 5 t emphasized enough by teachers and the teacher team is weak, which explores the following countermeasures : th e co urse an d te a ch in g co n ten t is correctly choosed, the teaching methods and means is optimized, teaching design ’ theory links with its practice, the eval-uation methods is reformed and teacher professional quality is improved so that we improve environment course5 s teaching effect ; we s trengthen th e s tu d en ts 5 le a rn in g in te re s t an d en viro nmen t co urse p ra c t ic e s ki l l s , we lay the foundation for the students ’ capability and quality and application talents training.
Journal of Xuchang University
en viro nmen t co u rs e s
te a ch in g me thod
p ra c t ic e an d exploration