目的研究Rathke囊肿的MRI影像诊断及鉴别诊断。方法回顾性分析经病理证实的15例Rathke囊肿的MRI表现。结果囊肿大多数呈圆形或类圆形,10例表现为长T_1长T_2信号,3例表现为短T_1长T_2信号,1例等T_1长T_2信号,1例短T_1短T_2信号,3例囊内可见漂浮结节,增强后无强化,6例囊壁呈现完整薄壁环状强化,所有囊肿均未见钙化。结论 Rathke囊肿的MRI影像表现具有一定特征,但需注意与垂体瘤和颅咽管瘤鉴别。
Objective To MRI diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Rathke Cleft systs. Methods MRI findings of 15 pa-tients with histologically confirmed Rathke Cleft Cysts were retrospectively analyzed and compared with pathological results. Re-sults The most cysts were round or oval, 10 cases showed long T1 and long T2 signal, 3 cases showed short T1 and long T2 sig-nal, 1 case showed isointence T1 and short T2 , 1 case showed short signal on T1 and T2 , 3 cases of cystic nodules showed no en-hancement. The wall of the cyst showed round enhancement in 9 cases, All patients were not seen calcification. Conclusion There are some MRI features for Rathke Cleft Cysts, but atypical cysts should be differentiated from pituitary adenoma and cranio-pharyngioma.
Journal of Medical Imaging