根据淮安市2016年6~8月的大气环境监测数据,研究了淮安夏季大气污染特征、成因及应对措施。结果表明:2016年夏季淮安PM_(2.5)、PM_10、SO_2、CO、O_3日最大8 h和NO_2的平均浓度分别为38、68、13、847、138和18μgm^(-3),环境空气质量达标率达到67%,首要污染物为O_3和PM。O_3呈现单峰型日变化特征,PM则呈现三峰型。观测期间受偏东和偏南方向气流影响,O_3污染可能是高空高浓度臭氧混合到地面导致,且同时伴随着高浓度的PM污染。盛行风向城市和排放源区污染控制,可以有效降低城市大气污染物浓度。
Based on ambient air monitoring data of Huai 'an City during the summer of 2016, the characteristics,cause and response measures of air pollution were studied. The results showed the average concentrations of PM(2. 5),PM(10),SO2,CO,the daily maximum 8-hour O3 and NO2 were 38,68,13,847,138 and18 μg m-3,respectively. The air qualification rate was 67%,the primary pollutions in air were O3 and PM. The diurnal variation pattern of O3 appeared as single peak and PM showed three peak pattern. Sample site was mainly influenced by the air mass from the east and the south,O3 pollution might be caused by high concentrations O3 of high altitude mixed into the ground,together with high concentration PM pollution. Pollution control aiming at prevailing wind city and emission source areas could effectively reduce the concentration of urban air pollutants.
Science Technology and Engineering