
基于典型高产作者分析的研究生教育研究发展探析 被引量:1

Inquiry into Development of Graduate Education Research Based on the Analysis of Typical High Yield Authors
摘要 以"研究生教育研究"领域8位典型高产作者的研究特点为视角,通过分析其合作网络、研究主题、研究方法的分布,对促进我国研究生教育研究事业发展提出几点思考:建设研究生教育学学科是保持研究队伍的稳定性和可持续性的重要保障;加强专家队伍建设和院校间的合作交流是培育新一代中坚力量的重要途径;重视研究主题的百花齐放和研究方法的海纳百川是提升研究生教育研究水平的重要举措。 From the perspective of the research characteristics of 8 typical high yield authors in the field of graduate education research, this paper puts forward several thoughts to promote the development of graduate education research through analyzing their cooperation network, research topics and research methods. The thoughts are that establishing graduate pedagogy is an important guarantee to maintain the stability and sustainability of the research team; strengthening expert team construction and cooperation between institutions are an important channel to cultivate a new generation of academic backbone ; and keeping the diversity in research topics and research methods is an important measure to enhance the level of graduate education research.
作者 崔育宝 万明 李金龙 CUI Yu - bao WAN Ming LI Jin - long(University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei 230026, Chin)
出处 《黑龙江高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第10期12-16,共5页 Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education
关键词 研究生教育研究 高产作者 合作网络 研究主题 研究方法 graduate education research high yield author cooperation network research topics research methods
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