The mobilities paradigm has been put forward as one of the three novel theoretical approaches yet the most encompassing concept in sociological tourism. The current research in China hasn't focused much on "mobility" and confused the concept with the other sociological term"liquidity". The authors trace the mobility concept from its theoretical antecedents and clarify that its translation shall not be equal to"liquidity"or"fluidity"either from academic or pragmatic translation perspective. They review and compare mobilities literatures from sociological, geographical and tourism studies, which are the three disciplines that tend to use mobilities paradigm the most and draw the following conclusions:In sociology, liquidity proposed by Bauman is different from mobility raised by Urry. Bauman's liquidity refers to the nature of modernity, to replace his early proposal of"post-modernity". Liquidity is against solidity; modernity is formed when nothing becomes solid with the passage of time. Time plays a key role in Bauman's liquidity, as it dissolves the shape of everything and everything"melts into air". Urry emphasizes the spatial dimension of the mobility and explains how mobility becomes possible and what are its influences. He particularly discourses hybridity, media-scapes and virtual reality, which are not discussed by Bauman. That is why Urry's mobility idea has pushed social theory more combined with spatial theory.In geography, movement related with mobility has always been on the central stage of geography.But it is not until Urry's"mobility turn"that endowed geographical mobilities with new meanings.Mobility then is not only the fragile entanglement of physical movement, but also the socially shared meanings ascribed to such movement, as well as the experienced and embodied practice of movement.A hybrid geographies has come into being when social geography, tourism geography, cultural geography, transportation geography, behavior geography and even political geography are all mingled together under the mobility umbrella.In tourism studies, corporeal mobility, object mobility, imaginative travel and virtual travel firstly brought up by Urry have configured the framework of tourism mobilities. Further studies stress the relations between tourism mobility and geopolitics, dialectically analyzes freedom, power and right induced by the transportation mobilities including automobility, and identifies the interactive impacts between virtual mobility and tourism caused by the mobile technology and social networks. Space and time have been reconfigured by the blurred binary of the traditional home/away experiences, and then further blurred the notions of authentic/inauthentic, leisure/work, host/guest, extraordinary/mundane,present/absent through a"mobilities lens". Thus the mobilities paradigm argues against the ontology of distinct"places"and"people": places are not so much fixed but are implicated within complex social networks through which"hosts, guests, buildings, objects and machines"are contingently brought together by mobilities to produce certain performances. To sum up, tourism mobility has provided a transformative nexus for bridging social and spatial studies and has turned a multi-disciplinary research into a post-disciplinary research, which will offer a brand-new paradigm for tourism studies in the globalization context.
Tourism Tribune
tourism studies