
基于文化异质性的创新网络治理选择研究 被引量:8

A research on the innovation network governance based on cultural heterogeneity
摘要 技术创新网络治理是维持网络稳定及促进网络中知识信息流畅运行的核心问题,但现有文献在研究其核心治理机制应用情境及影响路径方面相对缺乏。文章采用合作创新中成员文化的异质性作为调节变量,研究合同治理及关系治理对网络合作机会主义行为产生的抑制作用,且将文化分为个人-集体主义及不确定性规避两个维度。结果表明,在个人主义以及低不确定性规避文化中合同治理更为有效,集体主义以及高不确定性规避文化中关系治理更为有效,且个人-集体维度对合同与关系治理交互存在调节作用。通过本文的研究,有助于网络成员依据不同的文化情境利用更为有效的治理机制,为创新网络中不同文化成员治理机制选择,提升企业持续创新能力及竞争优势的获得提供理论支持。 Technology innovation network governance plays a prominent role for maintaining stability and promoting the network knowledge information,but the existing literature has paid few attentions on the governance mechanism and application situation.This study selects cultural heterogeneity as a regulating variable,and attempts to explore the relationship between governance and management of network cooperation inhibition to opportunistic behavior,meanwhile distinguishing the network culture into individualism and collectivism,the two dimensions of uncertainty avoidance. The study results show that contract governance is more effective in the cultures of individualism and low uncertainty avoidance while relationship governance is more effective in the culture of collectivism and high uncertainty avoidance,and the individualism-collective dimension has an interaction role in the contract and relationship governance. This study will help network members use more effective governance mechanisms according to different cultural contexts,and provide theoretical support for selection of the governance mechanisms of different cultural innovation network members,and for promotion of the enterprises' sustainable innovation ability and competitive advantages.
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第10期48-57,共10页 Science Research Management
基金 国家自然科学基金:技术创新网络惯例形成及其在治理中的作用机理研究(71372171) 教育部人文社科青年项目"接近性对集群企业超本地创新网络空间分异的影响研究"(14YJC630143) 陕西省哲学特色学科社会经济系统管理与实践(105-707021401)
关键词 合作创新网络 文化异质性 治理机制 路径选择 cooperative innovation network cultural heterogeneity governance mechanism path selection
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