
解构与重构:20世纪中国文学的母语化进程 被引量:5

Deconstruction and Reconstruction: the Vernacularizing Process of the Chinese Literature in 20th-century
摘要 母语是承载特定文明形态的符号意义体系。文学是母语中最活跃、最富于生气和变革意识的话语成分。在20世纪中国文学语言的"现代化"进程中,母语文学的生命力和创造力被漠视和消解。与此同时,文学的母语写作即使是在被"解构"的状况下也一直处于"重构"的努力中。从20世纪中国文学母语化中可以得到的启示和反思是:20世纪中国文学的起落沉浮实际上取决于是否具备母语文化观念和母语创作意识,坚守母语文学立场和维系母语文化精神,实为20世纪中国文学变更和发展的价值前提。20世纪初中国文学的"语言革命"与20世纪西方文化的"语言学转向"在"语言"上的交集也表明,后者能为汉语言母语的再造输入建设性资源,因为它启悟了汉语文学的"语言的自觉"。 Native language is a semiotic meaning system that carries a specific form of civilization. Literature is the most active and richest discourse ingredient in spirit and consciousness of change in native language.In the process of "modernization" of the 20th-century Chinese literature, the vitality and creativity of the native language literature were ignored and disregarded. At the same time, even in the context of "deconstruction", the native writing of literature has been making an effort in "reconstruction". The enlightenment and reflection can be drawn from the vernacularizing of the 20th-century liter- ature: the rising and falling of the 20th-century literature depends on whether native language culture concepts and native language creation consciousness are possessed actually. Persevering in the stand- point of native language literature and maintaining the spirit of native language culture are supposed to be the value premises of the change and development for the 20th-century Chinese Literature. The inter- section on language between the "language revolution" of Chinese literature at the beginning of the 20th century and the "linguistic diversion" of western culture in the 20th century also shows the latter can provide constructive resources for the reconstruction of Chinese native language. Because it enlight- ens the "language self-consciousness" of Chinese literature.
作者 杨经建 王蕾
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第11期166-172,共7页 Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目"20世纪中国文学的母语化进程研究"(项目批准号:15BZW149)的阶段性成果
关键词 汉语言母语 母语文学 20世纪中国文学 Chinese Native Language Native Language Literature the 20th-century Chinese Literature
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