In recent years,the concept of aggregate financing of the real economy(AFRE)has been introduced to the macroeconomic regulation in China.Aggregate financing of the real economy indicates the amount of money the real economy obtains from the financial system.In practice,aggregate financing of the real economy indeed has favorable forecasting power,but there exist some disputes on its theoretical foundations.This paper explores and investigates the implications of aggregate financing of the real economy from the perspective of national balance sheets and fund flow statements,and derives the equation of quantitative theory of money that includes the aggregate financing of the real economy.From the equation,it can seen that both the aggregate financing-production ratio as well as the savings rate impact the predictability of the aggregate financing of the real economy,and it is easy to explain the phenomenon of excess supply of money from this equation.In addition to this,this paper also investigates the relationship between money-production ratio,aggregate financing-production ratio as well as the capital-production ratio on the basis of the equation.Finally,this paper also analyzes the impacts the aggregate financing leaves on GDP growth and inflation.
LIU Ying(School of Economics, Peking University 100871)
Shanghai Journal of Economics