In view of the fact that the common means used to study the spatial distribution of land price in present China is based on geo-statistics to build digital land price model. The past studies mostly focus on the spatial variation analysis or the re- sult comparison between different models, but less on the discussion about the complete modeling process and how to set the pa- rameters scientifically. This paper uses the land transaction data of Shijiazhuang from 2008 to 2014 as samples and draws support from ArcGIS and GS+ software platform to explore in depth the principle of geo-statistics, the method of using Kriging interpola- tion and the complete process of building a digital land price model, and also emphatically investigates how to obtain the optimal parameters in modeling. The study results show that the proposed method of building digital land price model based on geo-statis- tics more reasonably simulates the regional spatial distribution of land price; in the process of modeling, it can effectively guaran- tee the scientificity and accuracy of modeling parameters by means of exploratory spatial data analysis, variation function analysis, goodness-of-fit contrast of different model, and cross validation accuracy test, and so on.
Statistics & Decision