

Introductions of Three Western Leadership Theories and Their Enlightenments to us
摘要 自20世纪50年代以来,领导研究一直备受关注。大量研究者选择领导理论"范式"转变的立场,研究领导学。最近领导研究的新兴趋势表现在:领导已经被确认为一种群体现象,仅仅研究领导者,不足以涵盖领导过程的全部。于是,聚焦于下属目标和愿景的仆从领导理论、探索领导下属相互关系的领导—下属交换理论、分析领导过程多因素关系的"智慧智力创造力系统模型"等相继出现。本文重点分析上述三种领导研究新趋势的内容、优势与不足,提出对当前国外领导研究发展的几点看法。 Leadership studies are a very attractive area since 1950s. Due to the shift of leadership paradigrn,a large number of leadership researchers focus on a new position. Recently,the focus of leadership studies are shifting from superior centered to subordinator centered or mixed centered. Under this circumstance,theories such as servant leadership,leader-member exchange,and WICS begin to take shape. The above new trends have been discussed. The strategies of developing Chinese leadership studies have been proposed.
作者 李明
机构地区 中央美术学院
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2017年第48期211-213,共3页 Education And Teaching Forum
关键词 范式 领导理论 仆从领导 领导下属交换 智慧智力创造力整合模型 paradigm leadership theory Servant Leadership Leader-Member exchange WICS
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