
安倍政府的中亚ODA政策研究 被引量:6

ODA Policy of the Abe Administration towards Central Asia:An Analysis
摘要 冷战结束以来,日本一直以ODA政策为外交工具发展与中亚国家的关系,而且多年来位居对中亚五国经济援助最多的国家前三名。安倍上台以后,日本加强了对中亚地区的关注,不仅提高了援助总额,而且还加大了无偿援助金额,并调整了重点援助国别。其ODA项目表现为以"高质量基础设施建设"为重点,以关注民生工程为亮点,以及重视对中亚地区的价值观塑造、积极参与联合国提倡的合作项目等。其政策调整的驱动因素有四点:"俯瞰地球仪外交"理念推动下对一流国家地位的追求、以实现能源进口国多样化为目标的战略部署、受到美国"新丝绸之路"计划的催化影响以及意在"平衡"中国在中亚地区的影响力。从实施效果和影响来看,日本对中亚调整后的ODA政策具有一定的局限性,如发挥政治影响力不足、难以实现能源进口国多样化目标以及受到日本国内经济问题的制约等;而最重要的成效体现在提升日本在中亚社会基层民众中的受欢迎度,这将成为日本进入中亚的潜力。安倍政府对中亚ODA政策的调整不会在政治、经济和能源方面对中国产生大的影响,但其ODA政策的成效对中国"一带一路"战略进入中亚、建立良好"国家形象"以及实现"民心相通"等目标提供了启示。中国应在中亚地区重视民生工程,在参与中亚地区能源开发的同时注意环保问题以及加强双方各层次人员的交流。 Throughout the Post-Cold War period,Japan has utilized its ODA policy as a tool for developing relations with the states of Central Asia.Since the start of the Abe Administration,Japan's interest in Central Asia has deepened,and it has not only increased the amount of its ODA to the region,but has also added to the volume of grant aid,while also adjusting the key target states.Japan's ODA policy can be characterized as follows:the provision of high quality infrastructure projects is the core,while it also maintains a focus on enhancing public livelihood.Japan pays great attention to shaping values in Central Asia,and participates actively in cooperative projects advocated by the United Nations.In terms of both implementation and influence,Japan's new ODA policy faces a number of limitations,particularly with respect to its lack of political influence in the region,challenges in diversifying imports of resources,and limitations stemming from Japan's domestic economy.On the other hand,it is important to note the ODA policy's effectiveness in terms of enhancing popular support for Japan in Central Asia,giving Japan a major advantage as it deepens involvement in the region.The shift of Abe Administration's ODA policy towards Central Asia will not significantly impact China in terms of its own economic,political or energy relations.That said,Japan's policies and their effectiveness should be instructive for China's Belt and Road Initiative in the Central Asia region,particularly in terms of the establishment of a positive national image,and realization of China's objective of the connectivity of hearts and minds.China should enhance its attention to public livelihood projects in Central Asia,and as its participates in the development of energy projects in the region,it should pay attention to environmental protection and enhance bilateral exchanges at all levels.
作者 王生 赵师苇
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期51-76,共26页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
基金 作者主持的国家社科基金项目“美国‘亚太再平衡’战略对中国朝鲜半岛政策的挑战与对策研究”(项目编号:16CGJ013)的阶段性成果
关键词 安倍政府 中亚 ODA “一带一路” Abe Administration Central Asia ODA Belt and Road Initiative
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