

The Pursuit of Equality of the Socialist Countries and Historical Lessons
摘要 社会主义国家在探索发展生产力道路的同时追求建立平等的社会关系,但在生产力还没有得到充分发展的时候就试图单方面提高生产关系的水平,而因此建立的平均主义性质的分配制度只能导致所实现的平等徒具形式。其历史教训可以从形式平等与普遍贫穷的关系、马克思主义理论与社会主义实践的关系、理想与现实的关系以及社会主义国家与资本主义国家的关系等几个方面进行总结。 The social is t countries explored the path of the development of the product ive forces and pursued the estab-lishment of equal social relationship simultaneously. However, when the productivity had not been fully developed, they a-- tempted to improve the level of production relations unilaterally. Hence, th e d is t r ib u t io n sy s tem w i th eq u ali ta rian n a tu r e , which had been established, can only lead to a mere formality of the realization of equality. Its historical lessons can be sum-marized from several aspects, th e re la tio n sh ip b etwe en forma l equality and wid espread p o v e r ty , th e re la tio n sh ip b etwe en Marxist theory and socialist practice, th e re la t io n sh ip b e tw e en th e ideality and re a l i ty and th e re la t io n sh ip b etwe en socialist countries and capitalist countries.
作者 李冬俐
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2017年第19期34-38,共5页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
关键词 社会主义国家 平等 生产力 平均主义 教训 soc ial is t count r ies e q u a l i ty p ro d u c t iv i ty eg a l i ta r ian ism le sson
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