The social is t countries explored the path of the development of the product ive forces and pursued the estab-lishment of equal social relationship simultaneously. However, when the productivity had not been fully developed, they a-- tempted to improve the level of production relations unilaterally. Hence, th e d is t r ib u t io n sy s tem w i th eq u ali ta rian n a tu r e , which had been established, can only lead to a mere formality of the realization of equality. Its historical lessons can be sum-marized from several aspects, th e re la tio n sh ip b etwe en forma l equality and wid espread p o v e r ty , th e re la tio n sh ip b etwe en Marxist theory and socialist practice, th e re la t io n sh ip b e tw e en th e ideality and re a l i ty and th e re la t io n sh ip b etwe en socialist countries and capitalist countries.
Journal of Weinan Normal University
soc ial is t count r ies
e q u a l i ty
p ro d u c t iv i ty
eg a l i ta r ian ism
le sson