BIM即建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling),BIM技术作为继计算机辅助设计(CAD)又一次技术变革,极大地提高了建筑行业设计的效率。然而,现阶段BIM技术与结构设计的工作仍未得到有效的集成。通过对BIM技术的定义,特点的阐述,指出了BIM技术在结构应用中存在的不足,并对今后的研究给出了建议。
BIM( Building Information Modeling),BIM technology as a Computer Aided Design( CAD) another technological change,greatly improving the efficiency of the construction industry design. However,the work of BIM technology and structure design has not been effectively integrated at the present stage. Through the definition and characteristics of BIM technology,this paper points out the shortcomings of BIM technology in the application of structure,and gives some suggestions for future research.
Shanxi Architecture