
玉米品种高产稳产的综合评价研究 被引量:12

Comprehensive evaluation of high and stable yield of maize varieties
摘要 为了有效筛选出适合新疆新源地区种植的具有优良果穗性状的高产稳产玉米品种,客观地评价不同品种的适应性,本研究以国内产量表现优良的20个高产品种为材料,以当地主要推广的品种登海8883(CK)为对照,采用最小显著差法,变异系数法,高稳系数法对玉米品种高产稳产适应性进行评价,将其穗部性状与产量做相关性分析,综合上述评价结果将品种进行聚类分析,明确适应性好的品种产量构成因素。结果显示:1)20个品种间产量存在显著差异,5个品种产量明显高于对照品种,登海218和迪卡517表现出较好的适应性和高产性;2)变异系数小的是银玉123、登海119和登海8883,高稳系数大的是登海218、迪卡(DK)517和陕单628,且和产量呈极显著正相关,标准差(S)、变异系数(CV)与高稳系数(HSC)成显著负相关;平均产量()、最小显著差法(LSD)、S、CV估测的产量稳定性综合评价品种与高稳系数法评价的结果一致;3)聚类分析结果显示,适应性较好的品种果穗的穗长、穗行数和百粒重性状优良,对玉米单株产量起决定作用。结论:结合果穗性状、各评价参数及产量聚类分析的结果,筛选出具有优良性状的高产稳产品种为登海218、DK517,其产量远超登海8883(CK)和其他玉米品种,高产性好,适合在新疆新源地区种植。 The purpose of this study is to effectively screen out the high and stable maize varieties with good ear characterssuitable to plant in Xinyuan County of Xinjiang, and to evaluate objectively the adaptability of different varieties. In this study,Twenty high yield varieties were tested. The local variety DH8883 was used as control (CK). The adaptability and high andstable yield of the maize varieties and the correlation between the ear characters and the yield were analyzed using leastsignificant difference (LSD), coefficient of variation (CV), and high-stably yielding coefficient (HSC) methods. Based on the aboveevaluation results, the varieties were analyzed by cluster analysis, and the yield factors of the cultivars with good adaptabilitywere identified. The results were as the follows1) There were significant differences in the yield among the 20 cultivars, andthe yield of the five cultivars was significantly higher than that of the control varieties. DH218 and DK517 showed goodadaptability and high yield; 2) DH 218, DK517 and Shan Dan 628 had big HSC. The high stability coefficient (HSC) waspositively correlated with yield, The standard deviation (SD) and the coefficient of variation (CV) were negatively correlated withHSC. Using the average yield, least significant difference, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation estimated yield stabilityof varieties and evaluated comprehensively varieties. The results are consistent with those of evaluation using high stabilitycoefficient method. 3) Cluster analysis showed that the ear length, ear row number and 100 grain weight were highest in cultivars with good adaptability, and these characters hada crucial role in the yield per maize plant. In conclusion, CultivarsDH218 and DK517 have high and stable yield with good characters. The yields of those two cultivars were higher than thoseof DH8883 and the other maize varieties. Cultivars DH218 and DK517 are suitable for planting in Xinyuan county of Xinjiang.
出处 《石河子大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2017年第4期425-430,共6页 Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31460326)
关键词 玉米 品种 高稳系数法 相关分析 聚类分析 maize varieties High stability cofficient method correlation analysis cluster analysis
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