从整体方案设计和采集端、控制端、传输端、显示端的软硬件设计阐述了基于MXT2002和FPGA的高速数据采集系统的设计方法。采用高速AD芯片MXT2002作为模数转换器,通过FPGA的控制,在CY7C68013的高速USB2.0控制器下,实现480 Mbit/s的高速数据传输,最终在上位机端实现数据的实时显示。通过实验与测试表明:该系统的设计能完成高速数据的采集与处理,通用性较强且能满足一般工业生产中的数据采集需求。
The design method of the high-speed data acquisition system based on MXT2002 and FPGA is described from the whole scheme design,and the hardware and software design of the acquisition terminal,the control terminal,the transmission terminal and the display terminal. By using the high-speed AD chip MXT2002 as the analog digital converter and through the FPGA control,the 480 Mbps high-speed data transmission is realized under the high-speed USB2.0 controller of CY7C68013. Finally,the data real-time display is realized at the upper computer terminal. The experiments and tests show that the design of this system can complete the high-speed data acquisition and processing,and it has strong versatility and can meet the needs of data acquisition in general industrial production.
Experimental Technology and Management