Through the analysis of scientific research data of the professional title promotion staff,the incentive effect of the title promotion on factors,such as the performance of scientific research,the influence of title level,gender,professional title series,education and age were explored.The result shows that the title promotion has different effects on different achievements in scientific research on the whole.There are significant changes in the paper,but the changes in the research project are not obvious.With the promotion of title promotion level,before and after the promotion of professor level,the paper growth differences increase significantly,and as for the associate professor level the project promotion difference appears to reduce and performance shows the inverted U type.Gender factors,professional title series factors and educational background factors all have a certain impact on the title promotion function of scientific research performance.The project integral difference of women in the promotion to professor decreased significantly.Meanwhile, as the subject of scientific research,there are significant differences between teachers of teaching and research series in both the thesis and the project.Highly educated teachers' promotion level have different influences on the research,but effect of age factor on promotion function is not significant.
Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences
professional title promotion
research performance
teachers of university