
甘蔗新品种云蔗072178的选育及评价 被引量:3

Breeding and Evaluation of a New Sugarcane Cultivar Yunzhe 072178
摘要 云蔗072178是云南省农业科学院甘蔗研究所从"桂糖92-66×Ho CP93-750"组合后代中经多年试验选育而成的甘蔗优良新品种,于2016年12月通过云南省品种审定。经云南省甘蔗品种区域化试验和生产试验多年多点试验结果表明:11—3月各月平均蔗糖分分别为12.05%、14.43%、15.52%、16.47%、17.13%,其中12—3月平均蔗糖分为15.89%,分别比对照ROC22(CK_1)、ROC16(CK_2)高0.19、0.62个百分点;平均蔗茎产量95.29t/hm^2,较CK_1减产10.42%,较CK_2增产5.33%;平均糖产量14.12t/hm^2,较CK_1减产10.91%,比CK_2增产9.71%;平均有效茎8.50万条/hm^2,分别较CK_1、CK_2增11.11%、4.17%。该品种为中熟、高糖、丰产品种,中大茎,有效茎多、均匀,直立抗倒,宿根性好,适宜机械化种植与管理,经鉴定为强抗旱、高抗黑穗病、中抗花叶病品种。 The new sugarcane cuhivar Yunzhe 072178 was selected from the cross of Guitang 92-66 x HoCP93-750 by Yunnan Sugarcane Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It was approved by the Yunnan Crop Variety Approval Committee in December, 2016. After sugarcane regional trial and production demonstrations via different sites for several years in Yunnan, the results showed that the mean sugar content from November to next March was 12.05% , 14.43%, 15.52%, 16.47%, 17.13%, respectively, and the average of it was 15.89% from December to next March, which increased by 0.19% and 0.62% compared with that of ROC22 (CK1) and ROC16 (CK:), respectively; the mean cane yield was 95.29 t/ha, which was 10.42% lower than that of CKI and 5.33% higher than that of CK2 respectively; the mean sugar yield was 14.12 t/ha, which was 10.91% lower than that of CK~ and 9.71% higher than that of CK2 respectively; the mean millable stalks was 85 thousand per hectare, which was 11.11% and 4.17% higher than that of CK1 and CK2 respectively. So it was characterized by middle maturity, high sucrose content, middle yield, mid-big stem, more and balance millable stalks, plant-type erect and lodging resistance, better ratoon ability, suitable mechanization planting and management, strong resistant to drought and smut, and middle resistance to mosaic disease.
作者 姚丽 覃伟 吴转娣 安汝东 吴才文 赵俊 夏红明 赵培方 陈学宽 昝逢刚 赵丽萍 杨昆 李俊 朱建荣 刘家勇 赵勇 YAO Li QIN Wei WU Zhuan-di AN Ru-dong WU Cai-wen ZHAO Jun XIA Hong-ming ZHAO Pei-fang CHEN Xue-kuan ZAN Feng-gang ZHAO Li-ping YANG Kun LI Jun ZHU Jian-rong LIU Jia-yong ZHAO Yong(Yunnan Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Genetic Improvement~Sugarcane Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kaiyuan 661699, Yunnan Yunnan Yunzhe Science & Technology Development Corp., LTD., Kaiyuan 661699, Yunnan Ruili Breeding Station, Sugar Research Institute of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ruili 678600, Yunnan)
出处 《中国糖料》 2017年第6期1-4,共4页 Sugar Crops of China
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(CARS-20-1-1) 云南省科技创新人才培养计划(2016HB031) 云南省科技创新人才计划(2014HC015) 云南省科技惠明计划(农业)(2014RA059) 云南省重大科技专项(2015ZA001)
关键词 甘蔗新品种 云蔗072178 选育 抗旱 机械种植 评价 new sugarcane cultivar Yunzhe 072178 breeding drought resistance mechanical planting evaluation
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